Archive for skiing

A Plan for a Moose, A Plan for You!

Posted in Creation, Creator with tags , , , , , on March 18, 2009 by reasonforthehope

On Monday Danielle and I were snowmobiling through the Gros Ventre National Forest.  Our Creator is amazing!  He spoke into existence the enormous mountains and the amazing animals who live there.  All God had to do was speak it and it was done.  As awesome as this is I find myself putting God in a box all to often.  Why can’t I understand the truths found in Matthew 6:25-34?  The overwhelming theme in these verses is God will supply all my needs.  It is hard to grasp this idea, but our God is big enough to do anything.  

Our God, Creator of everything, has an individual plan for each of our lives.  Do you worry about a test, making a team, or the big zit that popped up on your face?  God calls us to put our faith in Him, not to worry about these things however large or small.

When God created the mountains he had a master plan.  It is my belief God knew He would cover the mountains we saw in snow.  He knew that the snow would melt to feed the rivers and streams.  He knew the moose, big horn sheep, buffalo, elk, and all the creatures of the valley would need water to sustain life.  He didn’t do this flippantly – He had a master plan.

If this was the plan for the moose, how much greater is His plan for you?